
Linear Vaults

Cat Pass

Cat Pass

Also known as: Kong, Monkey Vault or Saut de Chat.Movement PiecesThe basic sequence of micro-transitions in this move is… - Choose a stable obstacle close to your hip height, with short width and enough space to place your hands on the top. - Give yourself enough...

Dash Vault

Dash Vault

Movement Pieces The basic sequence of micro-transitions in this move is… -Choose a sturdy relatively thin obstacle around your belly button height. -You’ll want to take off further away from the obstacle than for most vaults with a running jump start and a tucked L...

Linear Step Vault

Linear Step Vault

Also known as: Safety VaultMovement PiecesThe basic sequence of micro-transitions in this move is… - Find an obstacle close to your hips height, with short length but wide enough to fit a contralateral linear self hold on it. - Place yourself with enough run up as you...