
Also known as: Parallel balance, Straight balance, Inline balance

Movement Pieces

2 feet inline technique side shot

2 feet inline technique front shot

2 feet inline technique foot placement shot

2 feet inline technique barefoot foot placement shot

2 feet inline technique counterbalance

2 feet inline technique side shot

The basic sequence of micro-transitions in this move is…

– There are many ways to go up on balancing obstacles to perform this technique. For now, we will focus on a low, long bar. 

– Step up from the side or behind it with your foot lined up from the bottom of your heels to your toes. You should feel the bar in between your big toe and the others. This specific foot placement will help you to get the best out of your ankles and toe strength. Once your foot is in this position begin to pour your weight into the foot that is on the bar and hop with the other foot to get the rest of your weight over that foot.

– Bring the other foot up – in front or behind – on the same position and use mostly your hips, arms, and/or knees to counterbalance yourself with smooth and small movements. The knees should be bent just enough so you can use your legs and torso muscles properly.

– Aiming your vision on a static spot either a couple feet (1m) ahead or at the end of your bar (if it is far enough) can be helpful as a reference to keep yourself balanced. 

– Make sure you have enough practice before performing this technique at height.

Common Problems

2 feet inline problem crooked foot placement


When your feet aren’t lined up with the bar you have less area of contact to support your weight. You also loose the grip and strength that your toes can give you when placed properly. Both things can contribute to make the balance harder. Even though it may feel awkward at first, try getting comfortable with your feet in line as it will give you more control for static and slow moving balancing.

2 feet inline problem poor arms counterbalance


Here you’re not getting the best help out of your upper limbs. You have a lot more to play with your arms so feel free to explore and see how they can help you. Placing your arms at the level of your shoulders can be a good position to start and from there you can smoothly adjust them to keep yourself on the bar.

2 feet inline problem crooked barefoot placement


Here you can see toes and ankles not placed properly on the bar. Usually ankles are externally rotated but it can happen that one or both feet are internally rotated as well. To perform a static inline balance, this isn’t the best option. try to keep a nice relatively straight line for your ankles so you can move them internally and externally to maintain balance.

2 feet inline problem torso not engaged


This might make you to lean your chest forward/down too much – or even backwards/up, which will overload one of your legs and disturb your balance control. A relatively straight posture with abs, hips and back muscles slightly activated will help your center of gravity to line up above the bar and help you counterbalance your weight with more control when you need it.

stactic 2 feet inline problem legs too straight


Knees straight and locked won’t let you use your quad muscles properly. In fact, beside losing some muscle activation, you’re also leaving yourself without your knees to aid in your balance. Start by bending your knees just a little to see how it feels. With a few tries you will notice your leg muscles working more and your counterbalance range of motion increasing.

2 feet inline problem too anxious


Many things can contribute to this problem. You can try a different spot to focus your vision on, a more relaxed or tensed body position and/or aim to keep a smooth breathing rhythm. Remember to perform smooth transitions with your counterbalancing movements. Beside that just be patient with it and it will come with time and practice.

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